Codes and conventions of music videos

Daniel Chandler (2001) argues that the word 'genre' comes from the French term for 'Kind' or 'Class.' Therefore, genre can be defined as a category that media texts fit into depending on the codes and conventions of the text & its generic characteristics.

Genre is split into codes and conventions. Within Codes are signifiers (denotation) which can then be organized into paradigms, which is the typical model/pattern that a text is organised.
Codes also consist of signified (connotations.) However, the connotation cannot exist without the signifier. 
Peirce (1931) states that nothing is a sign unless it is interpreted as a sign. Therefore, industries use genre to sell products, by making cultural references that are relevant to the time in their texts (Jason Mittell, 2001.)
When denotations and connotations are used together, it creates ideology.

Conventions are repeated elements that the audience are able to recognize.


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