
1. mid-shot, plain background, on the phone - diegetic dialogue. this is used to develop the narrative.
2. extreme close up of the phone (pressing the 'end call' button.) Used to put emphasis on this and to signify the end of the relationship. Foley sound of the 'end call' noise.
3. 0:00 - 0:05 is an extreme long shot to show the full length of the artist. It is also used to emphasize the trees which also links the lyrics and visuals together as "lost" is represented through the use of the trees and the artist appearing to literally being lost. This is a reflection of the emotions.
4.  0:05 - 0:14 is a long shot to further emphasize being lost within the forest.
5. 0:14 - 0:20 is a mid shot.
Between 0:00 - 0:20 lip-syncing is being used
6. 0:20 - 0:25 is an extreme close-up of the top half of the artist's face which is crying golden tears and is in slow motion (edited in post production)

7. 0:25 - 0:30 cuts to a close up of the artist 
8. 0:31 - 0:37 cuts to a new location. the beach represents the overwhelming feeling of space. There's also a costume change. The artist is stood in front of the sea (long shot) - continues lip-syncing
9. 0:38 - 0:40 (rhythmic editing used throughout) cuts to a close up of the artist.
10. 0:40 - 0:45 - backwards tracking shot as artist walks away from the sea.
11. 0:45 - 0:49 low angle used to show the artist's power. change of location; the artist is now stood in front of rocks to show the emotional 'weight' of the situation
12. 0:50 - 1:00 mid shot of the artist 

13. 1:00 - 1:10 is a backward tracking shot (faster than the previous one as the beat of the song is stronger and therefore, faster)
14. 1:10 - 1:20 mid shot 
15. 1:20 - 1:27 jump cuts to the forest location. Editing is faster as the song gets faster. long shot to emphasize the change in location. Change in lighting.
16. 1:28 - 1:30 cuts to a close up (lip syncing continues)
17. 1:31 - 1:41 tracking shot of the artist moving through the forest. At 1:44 fades to black
18. 1:46 fades back into the beach location - artist still facing the sea (slow motion) until 1:58
19. 1:59 - 2:10 close up of the artist - lip syncing
20. 2:11 - 2:17 the artist is sat on the rocks (refers to 'weight') at a low angle and a long shot and continues lip syncing 
21. 2:18 - 2:19 cuts to a mid shot
22. 2:21 - 2:31 long shot but the artist is stood up and continues lip syncing
from 2:31 - 2:44 backwards tracking shot down the beach
23. 2:45 - 2:49 artist is staring out to sea from a long shot/mid shot 
24. at 2:49 the music begins to fade out and is replaced with foley sound of the sea. A close up of the sea is in slow motion.


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