Evaluation, Q3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Results of audience feedback

  15% of the respondents were male and 85% were female. This means that the majority of my audience feedback is from my target audience. Therefore, I am getting an accurate representation of what the target audience, whom my products are aimed at, will think.

 100% of the respondents were between the ages 16-21. This fits my target demographic. This means that I am getting an accurate representation of my target audience.

Here are some examples of the responses given from the open questions:






From my audience feedback I have learnt that the audience creates meaning and that 'death of the author', theorised by Roland Barthes, is a key component to media texts. My intentions for my products was to create a relatable artist with ideology that reflected issues commonly associated with my target audience. These issues may include: heartbreak, loss of happiness and the feeling of being lost. Therefore, I wanted to address these issues through my products.


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