
Showing posts from September, 2017

LIIAR analysis of ancillary form

LIAAR: Media language = how the media text is presented to the audience. example: Music videos use rythmic editing to create continuity Institution = a company that owns numerous companies in various types of media text example: Disney owns 2 theme parks, they produce animation films and they have a tv channel # Animation films Disney World (Florida) Disney channel Disneyland (Paris) Ideology = an idea that supports a theory that uses both connotations and denotations example: the Horror genre is expected to be scary. The code is the dark lighting which denotes to it being night time or there is no lights in the warehouse. This connotes to it being mysterious and dangerous because it's dark but it also connotes to it being abandoned. Audience = the people that the media text is aimed at example: Billboard magazine has a target audience of Mainstreamers because it usually features mainstream artists Representation = ways in

Conventions of ancillary form

Lyric analysis


The evolution of pop music videos

Codes and conventions of pop music videos

Codes and conventions of music videos

Daniel Chandler (2001) argues that the word 'genre' comes from the French term for 'Kind' or 'Class.' Therefore, genre can be defined as a category that media texts fit into depending on the codes and conventions of the text & its generic characteristics. Genre is split into codes and conventions. Within Codes are signifiers (denotation) which can then be organized into paradigms, which is the typical model/pattern that a text is organised. Codes also consist of signified (connotations.) However, the connotation cannot exist without the signifier.  Peirce (1931) states that nothing is a sign unless it is interpreted as a sign. Therefore, industries use genre to sell products, by making cultural references that are relevant to the time in their texts (Jason Mittell, 2001.) When denotations and connotations are used together, it creates ideology. Conventions are repeated elements that the audience are able to recognize.

Song chosen

Heavy - Anne-Marie The genre I am using: Pop


1. A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two other options: • a cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package) • a magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package)

Q1a. Using conventions from real life media texts

Q1a. Post-production

Q1a. Digital technology

Technologies I used: AS College magazine: Iphone - I used my phone to take the main image on my college magazine Photoshop - I  used Photoshop to enhance the colours on the main image to make them seem brighter and as a result give a more positive atmosphere. Mac - i used an apple computer to edit my blog posts and edit my coursework PC - I also used the PC's around the college to do the same Blogger - I updated posts and wrote all my work on there PowerPoint - i used PowerPoint to demonstrate some aspects of my work (e.g. Conventions research) Google Images - I searched online for examples of magazines and images for my conventions research AS coursework: Camera - I used an actual camera to take my images. This gave me higher quality pictures and more control over camera angles and framing Photoshop - i used it to take away the green screen and add in a plain background. I also used it to overlay other images on top of the main image (e.g. Text).  PC - I used the

Q1a. Creativity

what is creativity? creativity is taking old ideas re-arranging them and creating new ideas from this using inspiration. it's the ability and the confidence to develop new ideas into something that creates an effect, this may be an emotion or an atmosphere.  where did your original ideas come from? I created mood boards and looked at other people's work to see what their inspiration was 1. Why was creativity important? 2. What effect did creativity have on your final work? 3. What problems are there with being creative? 4. What would you not have been able to do without creativity? 5. How did creativity benefit you?

Q1a. Research and Planning